Product Detail

Specifications :
About This Item :
This Item is categorised in ORGANIC PRODUCT and Subcategorized in GOURMET FOODS.
This Item is hand delivered in a good quality packing.
Amount is Inclusive of All Taxes.
Weight : As per Given Order.
No artificial colours and preservatives
100% Pure & Natural
Net weight: 1 kg.
Country of origin : INDIA
Disclaimer :
While we work to ensure that the product information is correct, actual product packaging and material may contain more or different information from what is given here. Please read the product labels, description, directions, warning and other information that comes with the actual product before use.
This Item is categorised in ORGANIC PRODUCT and Subcategorized in GOURMET FOODS.
This Item is hand delivered in a good quality packing.
Amount is Inclusive of All Taxes.
Weight : As per Given Order.
No artificial colours and preservatives
100% Pure & Natural
Net weight: 1 kg.
Country of origin : INDIA
Disclaimer :
While we work to ensure that the product information is correct, actual product packaging and material may contain more or different information from what is given here. Please read the product labels, description, directions, warning and other information that comes with the actual product before use.